SAIT’s turnkey GMDSS solutions ensure the safety at sea
In case of an emergency on board a vessel, an alert can be sent through GMDSS by means of a button to alert vessels surrounding the ship and authorities ashore for help. The nature of distress can be selected like fire, sinking, collision, … Vessels in the neighborhood and shore authorities will be alerted. The alert will show a unique reference (MMSI), the position of the vessel and if available the nature of the distress call. Furthermore these systems broadcast safety information and warnings.
SAIT ensures highly reliable shore-to-ship communication
In order to establish maritime safety a reliable communication is needed between the on shore authorities and the ships. SAIT offers reliable radio communication solutions ensuring shore-to-ship communication either in VHF, MF and HF frequency band. VHF is used nearby the coast up to around 20nm. Further away from the coast MF is used for up to 100-200nm. For even longer distance HF-communication is used.
MF/HF Transmitters
Our flagship product is the CST3000 MF/HF transmitter, which is a compact and modular next generation transmitter with some unique characteristics.
Our third generation Coastal Station Transmitters (CST3000) have been developped based upon our customer’s feedback requesting
- a higher efficiency (less power consumption and heat production),
- more reliability (higher MTBF, lower MTTR),
- a smaller footprint,
- ability to support voice and data applications,
- a user friendly interface for configuration, maintenance and monitoring.

CST3000 serie – MF/HF Transmitter
The SAIT CST3000 product family
The CST3000 series transmitters are a modular range from 1 kW PEP until 12 kW PEP. We build your long distance wireless communication solution, based on your specific needs:
- CST3001: Full-range 1kW MF/HF transmitter for voice and data communications, also serving as basic building block for higher-power transmitters.
- CST3005/3010: Increased power from 3 up to 12kW for increased range in the MF/HF band. Typical for maritime communication like radio telephonie (voice) and DSC (data).
Maritime Safety Information can be provided to all vessels by using NAVTEX (Navigational Telex). This is a broadcast system in Medium Frequency (mainly on 490 kHz and 518 kHz). Maritime Safety Information (MSI) is provided such as navigational warnings, meteorological warnings, weather forecasts, … and this every 4 hours on each frequency.
On the international frequency (518 kHz) all the messages are in English. On the national frequency (490 kHz) information can be provided in the local language.
NAVTEX Transmitter
NAVTEX messages can be created in user friendly system comparable to messaging systems in an office environment. The operator only needs to prepare the message content and the timeslots used for transmission.
The CST3000 series transmitters can be used for all the NAVTEX frequencies (490 kHz, 518 kHz and 4209.5 kHz). Depending on the coverage area a CST3001 (1kW Navtex Transmitter) and/or CST3005 (5kW Navtex Transmitter) can be used during daytime.
AIS (Automatic Identification System) ensures information exchanges between ships, offshore platforms and shores in the VHF frequency range.
AIS is a broadcast system providing vessel information to the coastal authorities ashore, other vessels and offshore platforms. Next to the ship identification (ID: name, length, cargo, tonnage, destination, route, number of passengers, etc.) this information also contains details about the vessel’s positioning, course and speed.
AIS allows port authorities to see all large vessels (as they are required to have AIS) on a chart. Besides land based AIS also satellite based AIS solution can be provided. Satellite AIS extends the visibility range to a much larger coverage area.